Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Some fair photos as promised.

How crazy is it to spend money on pets? It's been an on-going battle with Jason & me every time there's a sick cat in the house. Growing up on a farm, Jason feels that if a cat is sick, let it ride it out and if it's going to cost a lot of money to fix it, put it down. I don't really feel the same way and have never been able to put a dollar limit on what I would spend. Jason asks what the limit is every time I leave for the vet (including this morning) and I always say I need to see what the circumstances are. For example, it was my own fault 2 years ago that Amy wasn't eating. She had horrible gum disease from never taking her to have her teeth cleaned and she had to have most of her teeth pulled...$700.00. This time, Otto's got hyper thyroid disease. He needs a pill morning and night for the rest of his life. $70.00 for a bottle of 100 pills, $400.00 for the visit. Plus he now has to eat very expensive food for the rest of his life...he's 12...cats can live to be 20+. I agree these visits are expensive but what am I to do? I'm not a vegetarian and I love all aspects of the Markham Fair including dressing up your horse for a costume contest so it's not that I'm some animal rights activist, but they are part of the family!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pills are only $1.40 per day. That's less than one coffee!! Let Otto live! (but not with me).


5:51 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

In fact it's half a pill morning & night so that's only 70cents a day!

5:54 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

What's wrong with dressing up a horse? Would a human rights activist be against Hallowe'en? Or boy scouts?

Those two skyward fair shots are really incredible.

- Andrew

6:20 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I love cats.

6:38 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I would have agreed a couple of years ago with you, but I am now firmly with Jason. There's a point that it's more about the owner's happiness rather than the animals...although Otto may be a nicer cat than Rumpole! The horror of giving him two half pills a day would be more than either of us would want to live with I am sure!!

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So hard. Our neighbours upstairs have a cat named Stinky who has the same condition. They use a liquid that goes in his ears twice a day. He's gotten so much healthier and happier since he's been diagnosed.
When they go away Shawn looks after him, and the liquid/cream seems to be very easy to apply.

Jen B

9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:17 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Actually, since I've deprived my cats of wet food their whole lives, Otto readily eats a small serving with a pill crushed into it...so far, no problem!

5:38 PM  

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