Sunday, December 14, 2008

Tree Trimmin' & Other Fun

So the Christmas festivities have begun, I've been baking & wrapping and today we decorated the tree. Mom & Dad came over to help & Mom had organized a Christmas concert with Hannah & Jack. She teaches them piano & made up a program of the pieces they would play & had a few duets to play with them as well. It was really special. We will have a repeat performance when we celebrate Christmas with Andrew & Ali & Eri & Mike & kiddies. Other than that, it's been hockey & homework & family skate & my work Christmas party & shooting family Christmas portraits. Another weekend come & gone...10 days until Christmas eve!


Blogger Andrew said...

All right! Repeat performance — I didn't know that would be happening! I also heard there was some Wii Rock Band going on. Maybe we could have a repeat performance of that too.

- Andrew

9:41 AM  

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