Monday, October 27, 2008

Just Stuff

There have been a few events, well documented even, that I've neglected to post. Just been busy and resizing all those images seems daunting. Thanksgiving with Jason's family at his brother's farm was absolutely amazing, kids wore shorts and all 19 of us ate at one huge table. Too many photos to choose from and now that was over 2weeks ago! Had another Thanksgiving the next weekend with my family...smaller, but so nice. We all missed each other for real Thanksgiving so Mom decided to make a turkey the following weekend...fine by me! Hannah was at Guide camp this weekend after attending the premiere of High School Musical 3 with a bunch of friends, the boys are a couple of weeks into hockey now and enjoying it, and yesterday was the triple birthday party! Jason, Dad & Eri all have birthdays in the same week so we celebrate them all together. Granny Gwen was here for them this year so it was extra special!

But, the only picture I have to post right now is from tonight...after dinner Hannah had a little cat tea-party!


Blogger Alison said...

So cute! I never knew that all it took to get Amy out of hiding was a nice cup of tea and some cakes. I'll have to try that next time I'm over!


10:10 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Wow. Amy is actually a real cat. Who knew?

9:57 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

...and it's nice to see Tabitha sharing so nicely with Hallowe'en kitty.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

What I remember about your cat (I think was Amy) was how she clawed your eyeball when she was a kitten. That's as far back as I go- not so far as Abracadabra!!!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here I thought there'd be new Halloween pics already!

Thanks for the delicious package that arrived in the mail a few days back..

Jen B

11:45 AM  

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