Thursday, February 12, 2009

Finally, Disney Pics!

We've been back almost a week, but it's taken me a while to get these photos organized and posted. We had a GREAT time at Disney World despite some unseasonably cold weather. This trip has been almost 10 years in the making. Since Hannah was born, Mom & Dad told us that when our youngest was 5 years old, they would take our whole family to Disney! Henry turns 5 next month so I guess we jumped the gun a little, but it turns out if we had waited, Hannah would have been considered and adult (at 10!) and would have been on a more expensive meal plan, park pass etc. Also, the parks were relatively empty so going in early Feb wasn't a bad call that way either. I don't think we missed a thing!!

I've posted photos of everything so I'm sorry if there's too much, but it's easier (for me) than breaking it into 4 or 5 different posts.

One of the best things about this trip was spending so much time with my parents and seeing them with the kids! Here Dad was showing Hannah how to do Sudokus on the plane there. We arrived at the parks at about 12noon after being up from 3:15am but we made a full day of it anyway! Did I say we came home exhausted?

There was more to see & do there than I could have ever imagined. Something for every age too!

I don't have many photos of the resort we stayed at, but this was a walkway from the "transportation centre" through our resort. We were at a Disney property and had the luxury of a monorail station right at our resort so getting places was quick and easy!

Hannah was chosen to participate in a High School Musical 3 show much to her delight!

Hannah & Jack danced in a "Block Party" show including the cast of Toy Story & Bugs Life. Henry had left early this day with Jason...he barely made it to the end of each day. In fact, one night he was asleep on a bench where we all ate dinner!

Jack's dream came true when he was chosen to participate in a Jedi Training class. The class was instructed in the proper way to turn on their light sabers, put them away, and shown a whole sequence of moves like a choreographed dance!

Just as the whole class catches on to the sequence...

Darth Vader arrives and each student is given a turn to fight him using the exact moves he/she has just learned! It was AMAZING! My favourite was the little 3 year old who was second in line and looked WAY up at Darth Vader with a look of sheer terror on his face. The Jedi Master was hilariously entertaining and really good with the kids too.

In the end, Darth Vader is defeated by each student and all the students decline his offer to join the dark side and Darth Vader exits through some automatic doors leaving 2 not-so-bright Storm Troopers on stage. The Storm Troopers ask each other what they should do and say they're kind of scared and try to go out the automatic doors but they won't open. They almost step off the stage to get away from the kids which is what's happening here, Jack is laughing his head off in the background.

There's a Honey I Shrunk the Kids play area where the kids climb gigantic stuff.

More gigantic stuff...

Magic Kingdom was a few days into the trip and was unbelievably magic!

Notice Jack's Jedi cloak with mouse ears...yeah, we're suckers!

Lots of rides enjoyed by everyone!

Our resort was also accessible by boat!

The cold didn't stop us from enjoying the beach and pool!

Notice what the local lifeguards are wearing though!

We had breakfast with Mickey and all his friends!

Animal Kingdom was another day on its own...this was on a safari ride we all took together.

I was too cheap to pay $20.00 for a photo of us on any of the rides but saw someone taking their own photo of the screen where they display your photo! I know, very cheap - Granny Gwen taught me that the word is "thrifty"! But anyway, it was a funny keepsake even if the quality is terrible! This was a really loud, pitch dark dinosaur adventure ride that was really quite scary and the photos was snapped just as a giant dinosaur leaps out at you. We take up the whole front row and MOST of the 2nd row - just not the guy with a beard!

Thanks Mom & Dad (Nan & Grampa)! It was the trip of a lifetime!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard wonderful things about the Jedi Training Academy, I'm so jealous Jack got to participate! I'm telling Chase to join the Dark Side with Vader when we go...I wonder how they react in such a case?!

And props for being true Canadians and swimming anyway...who says temperatures in the high 50s and low 60s means it's too cold?!

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, it was me writing that!


6:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Great pix Dana! Glad you had such a fantastic trip.


6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reliving our trip through the pictures. We had a ball.


9:09 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Here I was thinking you must have been having a boring couple of weeks, not having blogged. Boy, was I wrong!! Looks GREAT!!!

2:20 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Man, does that ever look like a fun time. I'm so jealous you guys got to have fun in the sun while I was chipping the ice in our driveway. The kids must have just loved it!

- Andrew

7:55 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

Did you guys go to the Haunted Mansion?

11:53 AM  
Blogger EJ said...

Thanks for putting up all those pics. I love the ones of Jack as a Jedi.

3:17 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Only Mom & Jason went to the haunted mansion. The kids (and me) are pretty chicken of "spooky" scary.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Wendy and John said...

Talk about a memorable trip - glad you had a great time!! love the photos.

3:55 PM  

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