Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hockey is OVER!

The sticks are put away, stinky gear still needs airing out and early morning weekends are long is done for the season.Henry's team won in the Mite Division final - Henry even scored one of the goals! (he deflected it off his stick into the net....not intentionally - but it counts...) Henry's team lined up for the national anthem and skater introductions.
After they won - each player carried a replica Stanley Cup trophy around the ice.

Pizza and trophies followed...Dana caught this of Henry admiring his new hardware on the way home.
Jack's team was also in the finals, and it was the most exciting game of the season, all the kids played the best they could but they lost in sudden death overtime, 4-3. Jack was really disappointed, but he played great and second place isn't such a bad place to be.

Both boys had a great we as parents shall rest.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Henry and Jack on a successful hockey season! How long until baseball or soccer starts?

The Mousseau's

11:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Cool photos of the kids on the ice! The NHL should take a tip from these guys on season length.

- Andrew

7:54 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

are you still resting.....?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hey, man. No bloggy bloggy for almost four weeks! What's going on?

3:30 PM  

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