Thursday, May 28, 2009

To Windsor & Back

What a great weekend! Wait!? Is it Thursday already?! We made the trip to Windsor Saturday morning after puppy classes, stopping in London for a picnic. We weren't in a hurry (for a change) and really relaxed and enjoyed the stop. There was a firefighters' training building that looked a little burnt out beside the picnic ground and at one point some firefighters arrived and lowered a fake person down the side of the building...very entertaining! Saturday evening was set up so that all the guys would go to the big monster truck show (with Doug's Fire Starter making an appearance!) and the girls would visit Once Upon a Teacup - a teashop for little girls owned by this guy!
I guess, like me, he married a Windsorite. It was pretty cute and the girls had a lot of fun!
Then Sunday was spent at Uncle John's farm...never a boring venue! This is the ideal place for my family to spend the day. Murphy could run around (taking turns with John's dogs who, understandably, weren't so thrilled to share their farm), and the kids could get as dirty as they wanted exploring and wandering wherever they wanted. I honestly never see Hannah happier than I do at John's!
And speaking of happy, check out this grin!!
The oldest & youngest boy cousins - only 7 years top to bottom with 10 kids!
The 3 grade 2' from each family! Just missing Kate from this photo!
I just happened upon this scene...who knows what trouble this crowd was up to.
Check out Jason's face in this one! He was sure they were going to flip over. Thankfully, no one did.
Henry was hamming it up for the big kids!
Who all cheered him on!
Henry lost his first tooth while we were there - in no way related to the mini-bike!
Gratuitous puppy photo.
There is SO much for the kids to do there! Here's a wagon full of 'em!
I found Jack taking a breather alone at one point.
But I really love how we get the 10 of them together and they mix & match who they play with. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with gender or age, but about who's playing what they want to play at that very moment. This group found a toad (poor thing!) and were taking turns passing it around.
And here of course is the man of the day...did I mention it was Peter's birthday?! We had an AMAZING time!! Thanks guys and Happy Birthday Gramps!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. They really cheered me up after a tough day at work dealing with a kid who hated everything and everyone.
I'm glad you can click on the pictures and zoom in. Loved the expression on Jason's face when they nearly flipped.


4:04 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

oh, great post, Dana! Cousins are great and it looks like so much fun (although I got slightly confused with the Windsor and London references at first- thought you were visiting Britain!!)

5:47 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, nice one, Dane! Thanks for the detailed post. Those photos are really great. Whoever said you should never work with animals or children sure didn't anticipate your great work.

7:17 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...


9:13 AM  

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