Thursday, April 30, 2009

Oh no...

After much discussion and persuasion from Jack, this week was spent trying out for a spot on the Markham Waxers novice team. The first try out he went out as a defenceman - but after the 1st tryout he said he thinks he made a mistake and really wants to tryout as a goalie (his true love). The 2nd tryout was this evening, and he really did great, there were 4 other goalies trying out as well. After the tryouts, the coaches came in to the locker room and said to everyone that they were to come out when they were done and get a letter telling them if they made it or not - then they can read it when they get to the car. Jack got his letter, held it tight and opened it in the parking lot - in the rain. Well, he made the A team, quite a feat. I have never seen him so happy.

As we were all leaving in two cars (yes dropping off and picking up our other kids scattered elsewhere throughout Markham), Dana called me on my cell and said "get back to the arena - there is a team meeting right now!" So off we went to find out too much information regarding schedules, costs, time commitments.

Jack's over the moon right now. These I can't believe the confidence in them sometimes, willing to get rejected is something I couldn't do at their ages. Better them than me I guess!


Blogger Andrew said...

Way to go, Jack! Man, he's just full of self-assurance, eh? What's the "oh no" part?

Soccer, right?

8:00 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

the oh no part is me, not sure what it means, the commitment, just not sure yet, but oh no...

8:38 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Congratulations to the newest Waxer! Woohooo! Wow, the A-team. Now he'll be wantin' chains and a huge golden earring.


11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jack! We'll be waiting for the schedule so we can make it to a game. Love, The Mousseau's.

3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go Jack!! You will give your Dad a whole new set of headaches. That's great news about the A team.

Love, Aunt Ann

8:55 PM  

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