Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I got out my camera to take a photo of Henry lying on Murphy today. I put a card in it but I've got so many cards lying around that I didn't realize there were older photos on it that I hadn't ever downloaded...I can't believe how quickly Murphy's growing!! This picture was taken back in March. This one was taken today. Henry's certainly getting very comfortable around Murphy.
Jason finished opening the pool this past long weekend, but it's no where near warm enough to swim in. We won't turn the heat on until the weather's warmer for good. But since today was the first really warm day in a long time and the pool looked oh-so-tempting, we let the kids talk us into letting them go in...it was REALLY cold (apparently).
We haven't quite got Murphy used to the idea of swimming, but I figure by the end of the summer she's have her beginner badge!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that photo of Henry & Murphy. Is it possible that your children are perfect? He's laying in the grass with his best friend reading!

Did you pay him to pose?

Jen B

10:41 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

It LOOKS warm, but I'm with Murphy.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Sweetness. We had our first really warm day today (see blog). Felt like summer and it's still a whole month away!

2:11 AM  

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