Thursday, February 28, 2008

Gold Team and condensed update

On Friday night, Jack's 'gold team', the winners of the mite division tournament are going to be honoured on the ice during the 1st Intermission during the Markham Waxers Junior A game. Jack is pretty excited, I'll have to take some pics and post them.

A few other things:
  • Enough with winter already. I get it, cold and snow.
  • Saw that movie Juno, I liked it, didn't love it. Dana loved it
  • It's beginning to look a lot like birthday season around here, do they really need to celebrate one every year?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I sure wish we had "electives" when I was in elementary school! They're new to our school last year, but the kids LOVE them. They get to choose from a variety of activities - the morning activity being away from the school and the afternoon activity within the school. They went last Wednesday and go again this Wednesday.

Some of the morning options were gymnastics (which Hannah did last year), skating & soccer (which Jack did this year), dance classes, art gallery (which Hannah did this year). The older grades have different options - skiiing, bowling and I don't know what else since we're not there yet. I know one kid broke their leg last year skiing and one got left behind on the ski hill this year, so I'm kind of nervous for next year when Hannnah will be in the "older grades".

I went in to see some of the afternoon activities and take photos for the yearbook. Jack was doing Karate in the gym, there was a group in the library making books, some in the staffroom cooking and Hannah's group had animals in the classroom! They promise to bring different animals this week, but I'm wondering what they could possibly bring...they passed around a lizard, giant snake, rabbit, hedgehog and tarantula!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Mary!

Best wishes to my eldest sibling! I love the fact that all my siblings are in their forties and I am still in my youthful, vibrant thirties - wish you could be here!

Love All of us....!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Papa!

It was so nice seeing everyone!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ding Dong the TV's Dead

My parents bought a TV 20 years ago, which I have had for several years now, it's one of those big things that sit on the floor, encased in fake wood, actually serves as a piece of furniture as much as a television. It has expired tonight, those who knew it, chuckled at it's sight, said how dated it was, but it served it's purpose. Jack was watching tonight as it, in his words, "made all these crazy lights, then the lights turned into a big 8, then turned off!"

A few years ago, Dana and I thought it was nearing the end, the sound kept cutting out every once in awhile - we were getting excited about a new television that didn't take up an entire corner of the room, one that had audio and video inputs, one that didn't make everyone's teeth look yellow, only to find out the cable connection was loose.

Jack asked what we would do with the old one, I told him, throw it out. He asked if he could keep it as a toy tv, when I said "no" he said "Well, can I smash it then?"

Well...Look Out Best Buy - here I come! Although, guaranteed the next t.v. will not last 20 years. Or maybe I'll keep it, and the new tv can sit on top of it...

Valentine's Party

These pictures are from Henry's Valentine's Day party at his pre-school. The little girl sitting on the right, is his new friend...that he won't leave alone. He told Dana that he was going to kiss her at school, and the teacher's usually have to tell Henry that he needs to give her some space because he is always trying to sit next to her wherever they are in the classroom. Oh...boy...
We just returned from hockey...7am game...I'm beat - Dana is in Montreal with Hannah for her GrandFather's Birthday. Happy Birthday !!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Always Wear a Belt...

Happy Belated Valentines Day....I'll post some pics of Henry's party at pre-school, but first! It's me Jason by the way... I put out the kids clothes on Friday, either Dana or I usually do it before the kids go to bed each night. I put a pair of pants that I wasn't certain Jack ever wore before, but hey, they were clean, ironed - what else could you want. I guess no one noticed that they didn't stay up without a belt.

When Jack came home from school he said "Mr. Zinner (his teacher) put this string around my waist and said it was a belt" Jack had on, where a belt should be, red knitting wool, wrapped around twice because his pants kept falling down at school.

Poor Dana, I think she was horrified at the thought her child was told to wear wool as a belt, instead of noticing the poor boy's pants weren't staying up in the first place. But hey, it was Valentine's Day and the wool was red.

Friday, February 08, 2008

What's New?

I just realized I never posted pictures from when Hannah was in the hospital.

Her friends were a great support to her with cards, gifts and phone calls to make sure she was ok. The girls were especially melodramatic. "I really, really, really, say really twenty thousand times miss you." And this one card I found particularly funny:

Hannah is home, back to school and well now and we have begun to fatten her back up. I don't have any pictures of her today, but she's been eating a meal and a half at every mealtime!

The big news around here is all the snow. Less than a week ago we had a pretty big snowstorm with school buses cancelled etc. Then yesterday another 25-30cm! I'm running out of spots to put it! I had to walk up the stairs with each shovel-full just to dump it! I'm not cursing the snow, it has been fun, but maybe someone could have better designed my driveway!