Thursday, May 28, 2009

To Windsor & Back

What a great weekend! Wait!? Is it Thursday already?! We made the trip to Windsor Saturday morning after puppy classes, stopping in London for a picnic. We weren't in a hurry (for a change) and really relaxed and enjoyed the stop. There was a firefighters' training building that looked a little burnt out beside the picnic ground and at one point some firefighters arrived and lowered a fake person down the side of the building...very entertaining! Saturday evening was set up so that all the guys would go to the big monster truck show (with Doug's Fire Starter making an appearance!) and the girls would visit Once Upon a Teacup - a teashop for little girls owned by this guy!
I guess, like me, he married a Windsorite. It was pretty cute and the girls had a lot of fun!
Then Sunday was spent at Uncle John's farm...never a boring venue! This is the ideal place for my family to spend the day. Murphy could run around (taking turns with John's dogs who, understandably, weren't so thrilled to share their farm), and the kids could get as dirty as they wanted exploring and wandering wherever they wanted. I honestly never see Hannah happier than I do at John's!
And speaking of happy, check out this grin!!
The oldest & youngest boy cousins - only 7 years top to bottom with 10 kids!
The 3 grade 2' from each family! Just missing Kate from this photo!
I just happened upon this scene...who knows what trouble this crowd was up to.
Check out Jason's face in this one! He was sure they were going to flip over. Thankfully, no one did.
Henry was hamming it up for the big kids!
Who all cheered him on!
Henry lost his first tooth while we were there - in no way related to the mini-bike!
Gratuitous puppy photo.
There is SO much for the kids to do there! Here's a wagon full of 'em!
I found Jack taking a breather alone at one point.
But I really love how we get the 10 of them together and they mix & match who they play with. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with gender or age, but about who's playing what they want to play at that very moment. This group found a toad (poor thing!) and were taking turns passing it around.
And here of course is the man of the day...did I mention it was Peter's birthday?! We had an AMAZING time!! Thanks guys and Happy Birthday Gramps!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I got out my camera to take a photo of Henry lying on Murphy today. I put a card in it but I've got so many cards lying around that I didn't realize there were older photos on it that I hadn't ever downloaded...I can't believe how quickly Murphy's growing!! This picture was taken back in March. This one was taken today. Henry's certainly getting very comfortable around Murphy.
Jason finished opening the pool this past long weekend, but it's no where near warm enough to swim in. We won't turn the heat on until the weather's warmer for good. But since today was the first really warm day in a long time and the pool looked oh-so-tempting, we let the kids talk us into letting them go was REALLY cold (apparently).
We haven't quite got Murphy used to the idea of swimming, but I figure by the end of the summer she's have her beginner badge!

Friday, May 15, 2009

They Made It!

Markham Idol auditions were tonight...Hannah had been practicing with her friends and they even had actions to go along with their song (Break Away - Kelly Clarkson). They were very nervous and excited when they signed in.
This is them waiting for the verdict. There were 5 teenaged judges (the contest is put on by a youth group and open to all Markham students) and one man. The result was a little anti-climactic...maybe I watch too much reality tv, but they didn't ever tell them they made the cut, they just gave the girls a map to the Markham Idol competition. I asked if everyone just automatically made it to the competition, but apparently there were some cuts being made at the auditions.
The girls were SO excited!

This is their happy dance!
I realize I haven't put photos up for a while...personally, that's my favourite part about other people's blogs so I'll try to make more of an effort. Trouble is, when I'm busy shooting a lot for work, I tend to put my camera away in order to relax. So there's been a lot of new work (I don't know how to add a link to my website...must ask Jason) but not so many personal photos.
In random order, here's a short visual of what we've been up to lately (besides tonight's audition):

Murphy's grown!

Been spending time outside with the spring weather here! Eri & I took a trip to the beach one day last week...not to swim, but to have a picnic & play in the sand. Can't wait to bring the other kiddies when school's out.
Missing from photos...lots of walks in the woods with Murphy, baseball evaluations, soccer orientation (Henry's been wearing his new soccer shirt for 60 kidding!), Guides Mother's Day pajama party, Mother's Day barbeque with my own mother!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Soggy Saturday

What a raining morning...Jack has baseball evaluations today, rain or shine. Hannah is at guide camp this weekend - they were supposed to be in tents but were moved to cabins due to the wet ground. Dropping off the boys at a birthday party this afternoon and Dana has a wedding - I have to house to myself... I just hope that dog lets me take a nap.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Play Pics..