Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Evening Snow!

I was home with a cold today and a lot to do but I knew that if I didn't take a bit of a break, it would only get worse. So I was spending the day cooking & baking rather than rushing out to do a bunch of errands. I got a call from the school just after lunch that Henry fell on his nose & it was bleeding pretty badly, could I come look at it. It looked a little swollen so I brought him home, thankful that I hadn't chosen to go downtown like I had originally planned. The swelling went down and Henry seemed fine. Then Hannah came home from school with a sore throat & after dinner, a fever.

The forecast for snow seemed ominous & frustrating when I was feeling sick & cold but somehow, it is magical! It seems like it slowed everything down and it is so beautiful & peaceful out there!

Friday, November 14, 2008

What's New??

Nothing. Really!

sleep, school/work, homework, nap, dinner, piano, skating, hockey, eat chips, tv, sleep...repeat

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween (Updated)

Very tired but wanted to get some photos up...these are photos leading up to and including Halloween night. Henry had his Halloween Party for school on Wednesday since he goes to school alternate Fridays and it wasn't his Friday to go this week.

Then Thursday was Hannah's enrolment into Girl Guides.
Friday was of course, Halloween!

Can you guess the winners? I've included a photo of ALMOST everyone who came...there were 50 guests at the party!! Winners are determined by secret ballot so you may not agree with the choices, but...

Runner up Female Costume: White Rabbit (Sam)

Runner up Male Costume: Slash (Brent)

Best Female Costume: Cher (Dana-me!)

Best Male Costume: Hannah Montana (Pete)

Boy, we had a great time! Hope everyone else did too!

Happy Halloween!