Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Health Care

It's unbelievable the things being said about the Canadian health care system in the states lately. Tonight on CNN there was a Republican Senator from Wyoming saying that in B.C. you have to wait 4 months to see your primary care physician then another 4 months to see a specialist after that. The Canadian politician's response was to say "No that's not true", yes in Canada we wait longer, but live longer, and "I get the same health care coverage as a single mother in my province gets. In your system, you get a very different health care system."

He went on to say "The fact is that Canada provides outstandingly good health care, and that everybody gets it. There's 49 million Americans who aren't covered by a health care program. So, when you start to talk about people not getting services or immediate -- what are you saying in the U.S. about those 49 million people?"

Sure yes I will wait longer, I don't expect to jump the line because I have more money than the next guy but I do expect we all have the opportunity for the same care. What's so evil about that.

You know maybe the U.S. should just leave their system alone, so any impatient Canadians with a ton of money can just go there and pay whatever they want to jump the queue.


Blogger Jen said...

We get the same comments here. Some of the things the Americans say make it feel like a witchhunt. The changes would benefit everyone but loads of people think if everyone gets support then they will be communists! It's very strange that they still think en masse like they did in the '50s.

2:26 AM  
Anonymous sharon said...

You speak the truth, my man. The American health care system looks after the wealthy healthy ones very well, but it is unjust and inefficient. They have overall health care outcomes on a par with developing countries and that is shameful. Here's hoping they create a fantastic new system.

6:15 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

They're crazy over there. They elected Obama to try and trick us into thinking they're not, but they're still as completely nuts as ever.

Check out Michael Moore's Sicko if you feel like getting worked up over it.

7:36 PM  

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