Wednesday, September 09, 2009

This Boy Scares Me!

I haven't figured out how to bubble wrap Henry or it would have happened by now! He went back to school today & I asked his teacher to try to keep him from running around too much since his arm is still pretty fragile. She pretty much told me I was crazy! For 2 days after this happened, he was quiet and not himself, but I have to say, he's back and then some! He's got a lot of pent up energy & I've had to call him down off the playground, ask him to stop playing soccer on pavement and Jason caught him trying to play baseball one-handed.
The short version of the broken arm is he tried to straddle a railing around our deck (not really too high off the ground) but wasn't tall enough and ended up falling over the other side. He kept hanging on though and twisted his arm around as he fell. Erika was here and she & I took one look and knew it was was awful! Henry has a high pain threshold, but man, he was in a lot of pain. He broke both bones in his forearm and there was a big space in between making his arm look way longer than it should have. Much morphine & pushing & pulling later he was in his first cast but another x-ray showed is still wasn't in the right position. We were told to come back the next day to have them adjust it a little more and if they couldn't get it into proper position, he would have to have surgery. Much to our relief, he didn't end up needing surgery. It was painful for him and very painful for Jason & I to watch, but Henry is back in say the least!


Blogger Jen said...

2:14 AM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

ow.ow.ow. poor everyone.

2:19 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Ha ha! That wacko kid. It's like pain somehow doesn't reach that part of his brain that's supposed to make him stop doing whatever caused it. I see tattoos and body piercings in his future...

9:57 PM  

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