Monday, July 06, 2009


I don't want to post any pictures of the video Thriller out of hesitation that Jack may see if over my shoulder one day.

With all the tributes to Michael Jackson on television, I was watching tv last week with Jack and Henry. The Thriller video came on and I let them watch it, Henry was very interested, Jack was scared to death.

Now every night Jack has visions of the Thriller video that throw him into hysterics, I have never seen him so scared. Poor guy. Michael Jackson is one scary guy, Jack has no idea... I thought by explaining the process of making videos, makeup etc would make it easier, but not so far. There may be something else going on - he came up to us the other day in tears and said he was "school-sick" - he misses school. I used to be school-sick - but I remembered the definition another way.

It also doesn't help that Henry will break out into his own rendition of Thriller at different times throughout the day...

I should show him before/after pics of Michael Jackson to really scare him.


Blogger Jen said...

oh Dana! Crazy-Mae and I were also watching on the tv last week but every second video was slightly weird. But Thriller! That dude was freaky!

11:42 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Oh, man! Poor Jack! I remember being completely freaked out by my first horror movie (The Changeling — the original, scary, Canadian one). Unfortunately, the only cure I found was watching hundreds of other, much less scary horror movies with friends over many years and making fun of how ridiculous they were. I probably still couldn't watch The Changeling, though. Yikes.

9:36 PM  
Anonymous sharon said...

Dana, don't you remember hiding out in Calla's room instead of watching horror movies with the gang, aged 12? We were big chickens. I still am. Poor Jack, I really sympathise with him.

2:45 AM  

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