Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We're Back

This is where we spent the last week basking in the sun, building sand castles, catching up on some reading, exploring tide pools, boogy-boarding through waves, enjoying early morning walks, collecting shells, racing hermit crabs and just enjoying the company of family. It's a sleepy, nostalgic place that dates back to my grandmother's childhood summers!
I'll have to post more photos later, but needless to say, we had a GREAT time!


Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Oh, Dana! How beautiful! I love the reflections of the cottages.

Glad you had such an exciting, yet restful, vacation.

So when you race a hermit crab, it would seem you would be at an unfair advantage...no?


8:43 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Nice! Tell me where it is you go- we are trying to get a long break home next summer to have a wee break ourselves, and it looks perfect!!

12:08 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

Amazing shot Dana! That was nice going for the sunrise walk with you.
What a great vacation. I wish we were still there, or we could just go there whenever we wanted to. Like now.


9:08 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

We sure did have a great time. Beautiful shot from the last morning. Good to know we all made it home safely. Expensive vacation, but it was worth not eating for the next couple of months.

I like the hermit crab comment!

7:40 PM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

I was on the stairs of The Breakers taking my coffee mug shot at the same time you guys were walking the beach. A beautiful, early morning.
I have sent a link to this post to many as it shows the whole beach from near the Morrison wreck.
Grand history and family memories. I cannot believe we were 23 in all.


9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What a beautiful shot - I am glad you had a great time. I want to see all your pics soon.


3:16 PM  

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