Sunday, September 20, 2009

I need sleep...

Just updating, not whining...
4th x-ray looks good, healing as it should and if all goes well, cast should come off in 3 weeks.
Hockey tournament this weekend was fun to watch. Crazy that they hadn't played any games together as a team yet, just jumped right into a tournament. Jack was glad he got out of school on Friday for it. I used to think parents who let their kids out of school to play hockey were awful parents...I've changed my mind. Unfortunately Jack's team lost all 4 games, but Jack played very well and I was proud of him!
The new job has been busy which is a good thing, lots of people interested in jiggling. Perhaps a few too many hours put in, but it was opening week so I'm hoping to settle into a routine now.
Transcripts arrived from the 2 universities I attended (the first step in applying to teachers college). Unfortunately, I wasn't as great a student as I remembered and I don't seem to have enough credits for a second teachable subject...I know lots about photography, history of photography, art, design, art history, philosophy of art, media studies and not much about anything else! Hmmmm....
Went with friends to their son's hockey fundraiser last night and am still feeling it this evening! Drank way too much, but I think that's the point...makes the cash flow more freely.
Went apple picking today with friends and then a picnic afterwards...great time! The weather's been amazing!!
Had a shoot today of a baby I was supposed to photograph before he was born (maternity shoot) but he came that day!! So I'm glad to finally meet the couple and their little family.
Trying to figure out if it's a good idea to hold a lesser paying job that guarantees an income but doesn't really allow time for the job I wanted to do that doesn't guarantee steady income but pays better. Having a hard time fitting in shoots when I actually get them!
I'm tired and feel like I'm not making a lot of sense anymore. Put in one last load of laundry & off to bed!


Blogger the Pond Girl said...

You could teach college Dana, with your current education and skills! I would sign up. You could also run your own workshops. ;-)


11:25 AM  
Blogger Jen said...

'Lots of people interested in jiggling'- what exactly are you jiggling?

11:45 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Jen, they're jiggling their's the part-time job I have...whole body vibration technology...sounds like a hoax, but I've lost inches already!
Jill, you're right, it's really something I should have looked into by now!

1:32 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Oh hey! So have I! I think it's great, but I need it about 24 hours a day!

3:58 PM  
Blogger Alison said...

You could totally teach college! Or workshops! Those are great ideas. Are you interested in teaching?

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have so nailed the photographer conundrum. In order to really make an income as a photographer you have to dedicate yourself to it, to the tune of 40-50 hours a week. Most of those hours during the time you'd rather be at home or with your family. Everything is "networking" and "self- promotion". My problem is being tired of the hustling. Still love taking photos.

When did you want to start teacher's college? You could take some more classes in the mean time. A friend did a year of intensive math to get her second teachable.

We should chat soon

Jen B

8:41 AM  

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