Saturday, September 29, 2007

1 more day...

Dana is home tomorrow! Yippee! Everyone misses her, we are all going to pick her up at the airport tomorrow and can't wait. I hope the wedding went well today that she was shooting.
Today we went to Markham Fair with Nan and good thing she was there because it was busy, I actually lost Henry in the barn with the animals for a few minutes, luckily a friend of ours was there and found him a little panicked not far away. I started getting a little worried for a minute there, it was so crowded that I just couldn't see him anywhere. They wanted to go back tonight to see the Monster Truck show, but I just couldn't do it, they were cranky and exhausted and so was I - there's another show tomorrow night, so we'll see. I ended up bribing them with pizza and a movie instead...nice eh? Hey don't knock it, it works.

The kids are now in bed (all three) and I am going to watch Knocked Up - heard good things about it. There's a bag of chips calling my name.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like we had the same day. I lost Bennett in Walmart this morning - probably for about 3 or 4 minutes. He didn't even know he was lost, but I was having a full blown panic attack. Then he was a terror the rest of the day. I am absolutely wiped out. I bribed him tonight with McDonalds and Shrek.

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a little bribery. Whatever it takes to keep the adult sane.


10:45 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Blackmail works even better, once they get a little older. Still, nothing beats the threat of physical violence. Ah, the good old days...

- Andrew

8:28 PM  

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