Monday, September 10, 2007

A New Week

Hannah returned home safe and sound from camping. She had a fantastic time with her friend, and was exhausted - always a good sign, she went on a hike, swimming, rock collecting, bike rides and much more and saw some menacing Llama's.... Thanks Jill & Steve for taking her along.

Saturday night I took Jack and Henry to our street party, it's nice getting to know all the neighbours and meeting some new ones.
I did finally get to see Dana yesterday, 3 weddings in 3 days was a lot , I don't think I could smile and look happy for that long...Yesterday was my volleyball playoffs - we played lousy, we made it to the sudden-death round, and promptly lost. I really enjoy playing volleyball and am trying to find somewhere to play in the fall/winter. Today is Jack's favourite day at school, it's the grade one's turn on the playground equipment and it's also computer lab - remember when you actually had to get some nerve to play on the equipment with the big kids...? not anymore I guess.


Blogger Andrew said...

Wow. Computer lab for grade ones. I sure couldn't have imagined that twenty-five years ago. I guess kids these days must come out of the chute already knowing how to type, eh?

- Andrew

8:06 AM  

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