Thursday, September 06, 2007

Semi-Final Loss :(

Hannah played in her semi-final soccer game tonight - what an exciting game! I am one of those parents - screaming and hollering from the sidelines, it's an ugly site I'm sure. They played great though, and lost on a penalty kick, 1-0. Too bad, but now Saturday looks a little easier for me, I wasn't sure how I was going to go to a Championship game of both t-ball (if Jack wins tomorrow night) and of soccer. It's actually even easier this weekend, because Hannah is now going camping with her friend for the entire weekend, so just Henry and I will go and watch Jack's semi-final tomorrow and cheer him on.
Saturday is also our street party BBQ, and Sunday is my volleyball playoffs. Dana has 3 weddings this weekend too, so we won't see much of her I'm thinking.


Blogger Andrew said...

Too bad, Hannah. Good luck, Jack!

- Andrew

3:31 PM  

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