Friday, September 07, 2007

Another Semi-Final Loss :(

Jack's team played really well, but lost by 3 runs - 37-34! T-ball sure has lots of runs!
It was a really exciting game, with the crowd really into it, come the playoffs, everyone is really cheering, and the kids are really aware of the reaction they get from a good hit.

It was a treat playing under the lights too, we didn't finish the game until after 9!

They did great but just came up short - he did receive a trophy though and is really proud of it, and found a spot for it in his room, somewhere so he could look at it as he fell asleep...good little boy - now...on to Hockey...every Sunday morning you can now find me at Markham Village Community Centre cheering on Jack !


Blogger Andrew said...

Oh well, you lose some, you lose some. Hope you have a great time with the hockey, Jack.

- Andrew

11:45 AM  

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