Wednesday, October 17, 2007


So last week Henry had his first field trip with preschool to the pumpkin patch...he had a blast! It was great for me too, this is the first field trip I've ever been on without a younger sibling to keep tabs on. Just me & Hen riding the hay wagon!

Jack started hockey on the weekend and is loving it! (sorry, no pictures - I'll try to take some this weekend)

Hannah has been busy making Halloween costumes for her stuffed animals but hasn't yet decided what she will be.

As for me, I'm down to only Saturday weddings from now until the end of the wedding season (which is actually quite late in November!) and am looking forward to a date-night with Jason this Friday! We wised up and called the sitter with more than a few hours notice this week so she was actually available! It seems like it's been a while since I was able to say more than 3 words to Jason without being interrupted by a kid or his work phoning!


Blogger Andrew said...

Sweet business!

- Andrew

8:56 PM  

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