Friday, October 19, 2007

PA Day

Hannah and her friend have spent HOURS working on Halloween costumes for their webkins...still no idea about her own costume, but they have created pumpkins, princesses, little red riding hood, dragon, Santa all in miniature. There was a quick tutorial on using a sewing needle and off they went!


Blogger Jen said...

Dana, that's exactly the kind of thing we would have done in Bell Park!! You call me- no, YOU call ME!!!

5:03 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Thanks again Dana -- for a great day for Caroline AND for teaching her how to sew!! She'd like to learn knitting next if that's not too much trouble...

5:56 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Needle and thread! Holy cow, I can't even do that. I want to see some of those miniature costumes.

- Andrew

9:00 PM  

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