Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday, Monday...

Monday. Yes it is. Back to work. To tell you the truth I would rather be home taking the kids to school but I am here at work, drinking my Tim Horton's large double cream only and trying to figure out which of the million work emails to reply to first that I received since Friday. The weekend was a bit of a blur, Dana had a wedding on Saturday and Sunday, so I really didn't see her much, we caught up for 5 minutes this morning when I got out of the shower. I spent the weekend with the kids, Hannah had 2 birthday parties to attend, a Fear Factor party(I don't think Hannah knows what Fear Factor is still...), where they bobbed for apples in a pail of goldfish...and she brought one home, which is a whole other story as Dana is scared of fish, but she is the one who said yes... The other party was yesterday, a Princess and the Pauper party where they came home dressed in jewels, crowns and new shoes..... I think there was a real horse involved. Jack had a friend over, he is finally meeting his own friends at school, and Henry is just running everywhere, always running, he always looks bruised and beaten.
I think that's it, off to email land for an hour... - Jason


Blogger Andrew said...

I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but Fear Factor is not a good theme for a children's party. Neither is CSI, or Desperate Housewives.

- Andrew

8:59 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Thank You! Why WOULD 6 year olds know about Fear Factor?!

9:27 AM  

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