Tuesday, September 13, 2005

What I learned about Terry Fox; by Hannah

What did you learn about Terry Fox?
Terry Fox was a boy, he ran across Canada, halfway I mean, because he had Cancer, he couldn't run no more, and a couple months later he died.

Why is he so special?
Because he ran across Canada on one leg.

What do we do every year?
We run.

Why did he run?
To help get rid of Cancer by getting money for the doctor's.


Blogger Andrew said...

My big memory of Terry Fox is that Stephen Brown and I biked out to the edge of Lake Echo to ride alongside him as he hobbled into the area, asking him if he was tired and other journalistically sophisticated questions. We stayed with him until he got to where most people from the community were hanging out on lawnchairs to cheer him on. We felt kind of special then, like some of the cheers were sort of for us because we were his pals. Then we rode home really fast and Stephen's dog Queenie ran out in front of us and I went flying over the handlebars and slid facefirst down the gravel road. I could hardly move for weeks afterward.

7:26 PM  

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