Thursday, September 08, 2005

Heavy Henry

Dana called me after taking Henry for his regular checkup at the doctors office today to tell me that they weighed Henry and guess how much he weighed.... Now Henry isn't a small 18-month old baby, in fact he's quite a large plump, I think I strained my back the other day picking him up. Henry weighed in at 34 pounds, for the heck of it, she had Jack jump on the scale at the doctor's office and he only weighs 32 pounds!! and he is 3 years older - to - the - day! Who is this large baby we have, he is not only heavy, he's tall. He is some kind of giant baby. I hope he doesn't get taller than Jack, who isn't a shrimp, but Jack wasn't that tall at Henry's age. I just hope he doesn't turn into those 80 pound babies they have on Maury Povich - j


Blogger Andrew said...

He's a regular Pinball Clements.

1:46 PM  

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