Thursday, September 01, 2005

1 - 2 Split

Dana just got back from the school to find out which class Hannah will be in when she returns. Hannah is in the 1-2 split...I wasn't sure how I felt about it but I think it will be fine, most of her good friends aren't in the same class and she doesn't seem to be bothered by it so why should I. Her teacher's name is ... I forget now, she got married so I don't know what it is. Last night Dana and I went out to a little pub on Markham main street, not a bad little place for a drink to celebrate our 8th anniversary...yeah I know 8. Time flies when there are babies everywhere. Thanks to Eri and Mike who watched the kids. I have been watching the coverage of the hurricane this morning, it's hard to believe. What a mess. - j


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