Tuesday, August 23, 2005


it's not Batman or Star Wars (Jack's favourites) or Sleeping Beauty (Hannah's favourite), Henry has become recently attached to all things Teletubbies...and luckily (or not) Dana happened to have a 'DIPSY' costume in storage, he was very proud to wear it all around the house. Dipsy is actually my least favourite...which I can't even believe I would have a least favourite or know who they are but that's what happens I guess...

Dana was off to the zoo with the kids this morning, Jack discovered a new pavillion with live butterflies and spiders and they were thrilled...it's tricky taking 3 kids to the zoo, I give Dana credit.

Tonight we went for dinner at our friends' (Nicola and Peter) new house in Uxbridge, it was nice to catch up with them and to see their beautiful heritage home.


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