Friday, September 02, 2005

A disgrace

I wake up each morning and watch the coverage out of New Orleans, and keep thinking
that, okay today they will be out/sent food/given water. What is going on down there, how can the richest, most powerful country in the world take so long to respond, I don't get it, it is disgusting to watch from the outside - j


Blogger Andrew said...

Hi Jason...

I love reading your family blog and seeing the daily progress of the kids growing up. It is really nice to feel connected this way since we can't be around you guys much. Happy Anniversary, by the way!

Way to go, Hannah! (on the biking alone part)

Our blog isn't really going yet since we can't update it from home (our operating system is too old) and Andrew doesn't have time at work to do it. Plus, that means I can't add to it. We'll figure it out soon...I feel all inspired to blog now.

9:29 AM  

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