Monday, September 26, 2005

Skating + Jazz = 2 tired kids

So tonight Jack started skating, it's a course through the city of Markham, it's a good program and not very expensive compared to some others. It's close to home and we can go before dinner and still be home to eat with everyone afterwards.

On the drive over, Jack seemed a little nervous, I think he wanted to make sure I was staying, which I did, but Dana said afterward that we didn't explain to him what he was doing, I just kind of said, okay you start skating today, let's go! I will have to remember to give him some notice and let him know what's involved before we jump in.

Once he had his skates on he was right into it, it was as if he didn't miss a beat from last winter. He was quite proud and told everyone in the change room he only fell twice.

After dinner, Dana took Hannah to her first Jazz dance lesson, I am not sure what's involved, but she sure looked cute. A gaggle of 6, 7 and 8 year olds learning jazz steps.

Poor Henry, I came down to the family room to find him dressed in a tutu and butterfly wings, he had been ambushed by his big sister....thankfully I didn't get it on film.


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