Monday, September 19, 2005


I have this ridiculous but very real fear of fish. So when Hannah brought one home from a birthday party on Friday (yes, I said it was ok) in a ziplock bag and Jason wasn't home, I had to find a way to get it into the tiny jar we would use as a fishbowl. I brought Hannah into the kitchen for moral support, and sure enough, as I'm transferring the water and fish to the jar, to my horror, the fish escapes from the bag onto the kitchen counter where it's flipping around!! I'm trying not to act too scared but not hiding it well while shouting to Hannah to pick it up! The fish manages to flip itself into the kitchen sink where there are residue soap suds (highly toxic for fish). I'm panicking and shouting at Hannah as calmly as I can to get it, to which she replies, "Mommy, you're scaring me", but amazingly, she does. So great, the fish is in a tiny bowl but now full of soap. A quick call to Dad and he says we should get it into as much fresh water as possible, but yes, it will probably die. I've called Jason on his cell phone with no answer 3 times by now to try to gauge how soon he'll be home. I don't think we have a lot of time. So now I have to convince Hannah that her little fishy is really cute and she should pick it up in her hand out of one jar to put into this bigger jar...we have not net! She's an amazing kid! She took a deep breath and picked that fish up and put it in it's new jar where it will STAY! I check 10 times a day, and so far it's still alive. - d


Blogger EJ said...

Very brave of you - well, really of Hannah. I have nightmares about once a week of swimming with fish (or being in a boat on a lake that is FILLED with fish).

10:59 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

My dreams of fish aren't once a week anymore...maybe once a month and they almost always involve fish swimming in the air. Dana

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget the fish, I want to see more of that sexy guy on the bike...I think his name was Doug.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

a) What the hell?
b) Yuck.
c) You guys are weirdos.

9:07 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

d) I would guess that Nancy or Doug himself wrote that comment.

9:16 PM  

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