Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Dead Fish

Well, Goldie has been flushed.... Hannah and I went to clean the fish bowl that she was living in, but when we looked in, she was floating near the bottom, not breathing. Hannah didn't quite believe me at first and asked me to poke it a few times, which I did. She wasn't really sad, we were kind of preparing her that Goldie probably wouldn't make it much longer. Jack wasn't really bothered either. We gathered in the bathroom for a goldfish-style memorial. Hannah spoke of how pretty she was and Jack said "I really didn't get to know you"... Henry just pointed and screamed at the fish in the toilet, and Hannah flushed away. Henry now has the idea of flushing things down the toilet though, so maybe he shouldn't have been invited to the ceremony... Oh well, another fish...that was number 3. Dana hasn't been told the news yet, she has started back at Reportage working 2 nights a week. She will be relieved that the fish is out of the house and off to where fish go when they are flushed. - Jason


Blogger Andrew said...

So long, Goldie. You brought tremendous joy and horror into the hearts of those who knew you. Rest in pee.

- Andrew

9:19 PM  
Blogger EJ said...

I didn't know who was writing the blog at first, and thought that Dana had poked Goldie several times, but that seemed too fishy to me.

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the fish but could you take that picture off? It kind of makes me feel ill.

8:59 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I had to prove to Dana that it was dead...otherwise she would of thought I flushed it down the toilet alive! - Jason

10:26 PM  

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