Wednesday, September 21, 2005

School Barbecue

Tonight was the Reesor Park school barbecue and meet the teacher night. Henry stayed home with a babysitter, and he cried and wasn't happy that he wasn't coming with me, poor kid, but I guess that lasted for 5 minutes the he was on to other things...I always wonder if the babysitter just makes that up to make me feel better. It worked. Dana was at work tonight so Jack, Hannah and I walked over and ate hot dogs and met up with their friends and parents, all the food was taken care of by school council so that was great. It is nice to know so many people in the area now that Hannah and Jack are in school. There was an assembley and the principal introduced all the teachers. I met Jack's kindergarten teacher, very nice, maybe 23 years old, so that means she was born in 1982...I remember doesn't seem that far away. Anyway, Jack's classroom is very nice, lots of toys and she commented that he fits right in. Then we went to Hannah's classroom for a discussion of the curriculum. Hannah's in the 1/2 split, so things are a little different, and it is all new for Hannah anyway coming from kindergarten. Hannah was very excited to introduce me to the teacher and to show me her desk and her pencil case. I tried sitting in those little chairs, they sure are tiny. I think it will be a good year for Hannah and Jack, they are very excited about school, and that is something that is very different from how I viewed school - Jason


Blogger Andrew said...

Oh, that sounds great! We didn't have an event like least, I don't remember it. I do remember loving grade 1 though and marvelling at all the little kids in my class. I thought my teacher was the nicest woman EVER! I found it all very exciting. Ah...those were the days. :) -ali

8:03 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I don't trust anyone born into the 80's. They all reminisce about it like it was a good time or something. Anyone who was feeling good enough to conceive during that decade could only be a bad parent, and therefore anyone born then is mentally deranged, if not the very spawn of Satan. That's just my opinion, though.

- Andrew

7:49 PM  

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