Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Cookies for Sale.....4 bucks a box

Hannah started Sparks tonight, it's one group under Brownies, she was in it last year and had a great time. I'm not really sure what is involved, lots of singing and games, dancing, all of the teachers have names like Rainbow, Jewel, Diamond etc., which is right up her alley. When I walked over to pick her up, I was glad I brought the wagon because we had to bring home 2 big cases of mint chocolate cookies to sell door-to-door... Move over Henry, because I had to squish in those boxes somewhere, and by the time we got home he was lost under a box or two. We cracked open a box already and ate a few, not bad, but not as good as the chocolate & vanilla cookies they sell in the spring. Anway, if anyone wants cookies, we have them. Money goes to the cult, I mean a good cause.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mark us down for one box. I have to agree the chocolate & vanilla ones are the best. We'll take care of the bill on the 15th when we see you. P.S. I so love this blog. Mary

8:23 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

okay great! see you on the 15th... I can probably get john to buy a case...

9:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll take a box. I would buy more but don't want to eat them and everyone else likes the chocolate and vanilla ones.

4:09 PM  

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