Thursday, September 29, 2005

Fair's On!

Jack & I had a really nice afternoon together while Hannah was at school and Henry napped. I'm a lot less tired (sorry for all the complaining) and the air had that crisp fall feel to it. It's going to be a great weekend for the Markham Fair which opened today. I can see that as our family gets older we'll get more involved with the fair each year. Hannah & Jack both had a few crafts entered in their age groups, but Hannah went into a new age group this year - 6-10 year olds! We took Hannah & Jack this evening and had a sitter for Henry so that the other two could stay up a little later. The first thing we did was to go see their crafts. Hannah did some amazing work and was really proud of herself, but disappointed to see that she did not win one ribbon. She looked pretty deflated, especially since Jack won 2 - 3rd place ribbons and 1 - 6th. We told her how proud we were of her and that she should feel great about the job she did, she felt that one of her crafts in particular was probably overlooked because "it was so good they probably thought a grown-up helped me with it". So she hasn't lost her confidence anyway. We went tonight with our friend Dave J. to see the demolition derby...I wasn't sure what Dave would think of it as I consider him to be very urban, but he was as thrilled by it as we all were (although Jack was more impressed by the monster truck on display). A great way to spend the evening! ~ d
Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention the Terry Fox scarecrow that completely freaked Jason out! The contest was to make a scarecrow, like for a farm...why would make someone make a Terry Fox scarecrow?!


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