Saturday, August 26, 2006

Big Girl Camper

So Hannah went camping for the weekend. How weird is that. She was invited to go camping with a friend of hers and their family, we had to think about it, but the family is very trustworthy and we feel pretty comfortable about it so we thought...why not.

They left last night and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. 2 nights without her, it feels a little strange around here, Henry keeps asking where she is. I don't think she will be homesick, she just isn't ever, never has been - which is great. We can't wait to hear all about it when she gets home - the big girl.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Christopher!

It's been awhile...

I feel like I haven't really blogged in a while, especially with photos.
So here's what we've been up to...


Nancy & Doug came for a visit

and of course, our adaptable little Henry just got the news that he'll be wearing the cast for at least 3 more weeks!

3 More Weeks!


Dana just called to say Henry has to wear his cast for 3 more weeks!!

It's healing, but to make sure he doesn't injure it before it completely heals, they are going to leave it on longer.

Poor guy. He asked if he could go swimming now... Ummm, no. At this rate I will have to leave the pool open until October so he can get one last swim in.

No cast?

Dana left for the Fracture Clinic early this morning to get Henry's cast removed - they will x-ray it once again, but we are certain that he is healed. The poor cast is falling to pieces, little red fibreglass pieces are found throughout the house. He can't wait to go swimming today too!

There isn't much else that's new. Just busy. Had a good visit with the Papak's and now we are just gearing up for school once again. We have to get those kids waking up early again, which is going to be tough - 8:20 am start time when they do go back - yikes.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Birthday, Lance!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


We have made the big switch... Henry and Jack are sharing a room and Hannah now has her own room. Yesterday Dana with the help of her friend Margaret disassembled the crib, for the last time - anyone need a crib? We are sanding and painting the boys bunk beds so the boys are just sleeping on a mattress on the floor for the time being. Henry has adapted very well, last night he went to bed and didn't get up, just sang himself to sleep as he usually does.....singing Oh Canada and Twinkle Twinkle... Jack is excited to be the big boy of the room, and to be the one on the top bunk - finally! We hope to get this all set back up in a few days.

Dana wanted to switch the kids around before school starts so they are settled in. Hannah has a new bed and I peeked in this morning before I left for work and she was wide awake and told me how she woke in the middle of the night, not sure where she was but was excited. Last night at bedtime she had butterflies in her stomach because she was so happy to have her own room.

We still have a lot of work to do, pulling up the carpet, painting and new windows to be installed, but the hard part is done.....taking down the crib.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Check that off the list...

Finally...this one has been bothering me for awhile - the show name of this old TVOntario kids program that this little girl that I used to babysit for watched before bedtime...the show drove me a little crazy. Why this has been clogging my brain for the past few weeks? I don't know, but now there is a little free space up there for something more important.

Show is called Today's Special...had a talking mouse that rhymed... My sister Ann also used to babysit her and had no idea of the show name either, although she didn't seem bothered by it...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Babies & Wasp's

1st off....Congratulations to Kristy and Brent on their new baby boy - Griffin Murray!!! He was born on Thursday. Looking forward to meeting him.

Also....the wasp nest is gone - I think I used half a can of the wasp killer spray....just to be safe.

Good Morning

Last night Dana and I went to go see Oliver Stone's new movie, World Trade Center. It was really good, it wasn't graphic, it didn't even feel like a Oliver Stone movie - which is a good thing with this subject matter. Highly recommended, it was upsetting though, everyone in the theatre sat in stunned silence after the movie ended - no one spoke on the way out of the exit either which was weird. It was almost 5 years ago which is hard to imagine, it seems like only last year. I am not a Nicolas Cage fan, but he was actually restrained in this role and not so goofy.

Henry is doing well, he was given a new cast again...the last one got a little wet and needed to be replaced. We should get some kind of rewards card at the fracture clinic since we seem to be regulars.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Great day!

I guess when comparing to yesterday, today had to be great. Not that yesterday was awful, just a series of unfortunate events put a damper on the day. I was trying to finish up a whole wack of half finished projects around the house and they all kept going wrong. I've finally started recovering our dining room chairs (I only bought the fabric 2 years ago!) and once I started I realized it wasn't as hard as I was afraid it was going to be. However, I ran out of staples for my staple gun and when I bought new ones, they were the wrong size and I spilled the whole box all over the backyard. So I gave up on that project for awhile (not for 2 more years!) and moved on to a yard waste bag that got wet and ended up dissolving so has been sitting for a while. I figured I'd just use a shovel and scoop everything into a new bag...I dug right in for my first scoop and a swarm of wasps flew at me and started sticking to me like I was made of fly paper!! I ended up with only 3 stings, but boy did they hurt! So that job got left for a while too...I bought "WASP AND HORNET KILLER" as the can says, but haven't got up the nerve to use it yet! So anyway, today was bound to be better. Eri & I arranged to meet at a great little farm called "Lionel's Pony Farm". It's got farm animals that you can pet and feed and it's a wide open space perfect for small kids. Hannah & Jack were at Dino Camp for the morning (their last day is tomorrow) so it was just Eri & I and the little guys. We had a great time (despite the fact that Bennett didn't want to share his carrots! very cute!) and then had a little picnic snack in the back of Eri's new car. Nice way to spend a hot morning!


Henry's new nickname, sometimes called Gimpy too. Dana took Henry to the Fracture Clinic and he got a new fiberglass cast, a red one which he picked out. He will now have to wear that for 2 more weeks then they will check it again. He really doesn't seem bothered by it, and can actually walk on this one with little trouble. He sure adapts well though. This cast isn't waterproof though, so no pool for a few weeks.

I am back to work and trying to shake off the cobwebs in my head. It is getting easier waking up at 6 in the morning with the help from my friend Tim Tim.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Hannah wanted to post a picture of her favourite animal.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Day 2

Henry is getting used to the cast, tonight I came downstairs to the family room to find him walking wobbly around on it saying "ahhhhh". The plaster doesn't hold up that well for a 2 year old, now that he has to crawl on it. It is starting to crumble near the toes, I think we will ask for a fiberglass one. It is tricky to find things to keep him occupied though, he really wants to know what Hannah and Jack are doing outside running around, wants to go for a swim when they do. This morning we ventured out to the zoo, since he would of been in a wagon anyway, it worked out well, plus Erika and Bennett came and we met up with Kristy, Brent and Debarge - looking forward to meeting little LaQisha - Good Luck!

1 more day left of vacation - 3 weeks off and my brain has slowly turned to a mushy state, which has been fine, but to jump back into work at 7 am on Tuesday is going to be mighty difficult. - J

Saturday, August 05, 2006


One picture for three stories, his new haircut, this is how he now smiles when you say "Smile!" for the camera, and of course his new cast.
Dana ended up being at the hospital for over 3 hours. The little trooper, he cried a little tonight and asked us to take it off him, we explained that he has to keep it for 10 days or so, then we are to have it x-rayed again. He isn't supposed to walk on it or get it wet during that time. He managed to crawl around a little this evening, he sure is heavier now though - maybe they will fit him for a much lighter fiberglass cast next week. It's a different break from the last one - but the same foot. He broke his ankle in two places last year, this one is the bone on the top of his foot that connects his ankle to his big toe. Poor guy, but he is such an easy baby that I am sure if Dana didn't go to the hospital he would have just kept running and playing.

I was wrong......

It is broken. Details to follow.

The Last Trip

Dana is at the hospital with Henry right now...he jumped off a yellow turtle..and cannot walk on it. This is the same ankle that broke in two places the day he turned one. I really don't think it is broken again, just a sprain I think, but better to be safe than sorry. He's a little trooper that guy, he woke up this morning and said "It feel all better, it not hurt" but when he put pressure on it he started limping and crying a little.

This happened at a mall in Detroit. We left for Windsor on Thursday and had lunch and a swim at Ann's, then off to Windsor for dinner with Dad and John, went to Matthew and Christopher's baseball game for awhile, and slept at Mary's house. Friday we shopped in Detroit all day, then headed back to Windsor for pizza at Riverside Tavern...yum. Good eats with Nancy & Doug and family - then headed back down the 401, fast trip but we were glad to see everyone we wanted to see and had good visits with all.

No word from Dana yet, she has been at the hospital for 2 1/2 hours already - J

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

We're still here!

We've just been very busy and not on the computer or watching tv or listening to the radio...I think we missed out on the news for almost a week (which apparently wasn't a bad thing). We went to a cottage with Jason's sisters and their families last week but only for 2 days. They go every year and we're invited to join them but I had Friday and Saturday weddings this past weekend so we were only able to make it for a short visit. What a great time though! Still plenty of time for: boating, fishing, swimming, bug collecting, sand playing, dock games, hair colouring, card games, blueberry picking... The kids are all so close in age and get along so well with each other. The cottage is a familiar place so they really look forward to going.
Then Ann and her family came for a couple of nights on their way home and we spent Sunday at Centreville. We had great weather and a really fun time. That place is completely geared towards kids under about 10. There were no line ups for the rides until after lunch so I was glad we arrived when it opened. Henry was unsure about rides for the first hour or so. No, he was actually sure about them, sure he didn't like them. Then we just brought him on one with us without asking him and he suddenly had a change of heart and said, "again, again!" It was the log ride which plummets about 50 feet and sprays you with water at the bottom, so I'm surprised the plan worked. Especially since the first 2 rides that turned him off rides in the first place were a bumblebee ride and a swan ride. Both very tame and built for 2 year olds! I don't even really know what else we've been up to, visiting friends and spending time in the pool, but somehow there hasn't been any time for blogging or regular housework...too bad.