Tuesday, August 15, 2006


We have made the big switch... Henry and Jack are sharing a room and Hannah now has her own room. Yesterday Dana with the help of her friend Margaret disassembled the crib, for the last time - anyone need a crib? We are sanding and painting the boys bunk beds so the boys are just sleeping on a mattress on the floor for the time being. Henry has adapted very well, last night he went to bed and didn't get up, just sang himself to sleep as he usually does.....singing Oh Canada and Twinkle Twinkle... Jack is excited to be the big boy of the room, and to be the one on the top bunk - finally! We hope to get this all set back up in a few days.

Dana wanted to switch the kids around before school starts so they are settled in. Hannah has a new bed and I peeked in this morning before I left for work and she was wide awake and told me how she woke in the middle of the night, not sure where she was but was excited. Last night at bedtime she had butterflies in her stomach because she was so happy to have her own room.

We still have a lot of work to do, pulling up the carpet, painting and new windows to be installed, but the hard part is done.....taking down the crib.


Blogger Andrew said...

That's so cute! Having your own room is a pretty big deal. I remember when it happened to me, I was surprised by a new bed that had just been delivered when I came home for lunch. I couldn't figure out what I had done to earn this huge present when it wasn't even my birthday or Christmas.

I have my own room at work, but it looks now like I'm going to be losing it as they're putting all the designers together in one room. Rats!

- Andrew

4:33 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Yeah, I remember the day I got my own room too, I was about 17 years old!!

5:17 PM  

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