Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Last Trip

Dana is at the hospital with Henry right now...he jumped off a yellow turtle..and cannot walk on it. This is the same ankle that broke in two places the day he turned one. I really don't think it is broken again, just a sprain I think, but better to be safe than sorry. He's a little trooper that guy, he woke up this morning and said "It feel all better, it not hurt" but when he put pressure on it he started limping and crying a little.

This happened at a mall in Detroit. We left for Windsor on Thursday and had lunch and a swim at Ann's, then off to Windsor for dinner with Dad and John, went to Matthew and Christopher's baseball game for awhile, and slept at Mary's house. Friday we shopped in Detroit all day, then headed back to Windsor for pizza at Riverside Tavern...yum. Good eats with Nancy & Doug and family - then headed back down the 401, fast trip but we were glad to see everyone we wanted to see and had good visits with all.

No word from Dana yet, she has been at the hospital for 2 1/2 hours already - J


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