Friday, July 21, 2006

More Camping

Dana had a little photo shoot with the kids at a rocky beach near our site. At night we thought the we could hear the traffic on the 401 but it was really the waves crashing on shore...ahhh nature.

Hannah waking up in the trailer. We all slept great - the nice fresh air really wiped out the kids, the swimming did too.

The view from our site, we had a nice little area that was just grass and which the kids named "Butterfly Meadow"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had fun camping...we still have 2 trips yet to take this summer. Dana, I think the black & white pic of Hannah and Jack is absolutely gorgeous!!!! A definite keeper. I'm still hoping you'll do a photo shoot of my girls. Love ya and we'll chat soon. ~Karen

2:22 PM  

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