Friday, July 07, 2006

What a wonderful day I had today. Sometimes I think the best days are the ones that you didn't have high expectations for. The kids had swimming lessons at a nearby pool so we rode our bikes there this morning. A couple of moms called earlier in the morning so we arranged a picnic after the lesson and then they all came back here for a swim. I think there were 10 kids in the pool at one point! Then Hannah had yet another friend come to play and swim (most of the other kids were Jack's friends or their siblings). Then a quick dinner and off to watch Hannah's t-ball game. Mike & Eri & Bennett came to watch too and there were kids climbing trees and at the playground and some time actually spent watching the game. Hannah got out in her first inning and home in her second. It was a great game and the kids are really starting to understand the game and seem to really be enjoying themselves. We went out to Dairy Queen for ice cream afterwards then home and to bed. Henry's been sleeping with a little doll lately that he calls "baby" and he tells her all the things he did that day while he falls to sleep. It's pretty cute! And for some reason I've stayed up way later than I should have, but we're on summer hours around here and even the kids have been getting to bed later than usual. It's nice not to have to rush them around in the mornings! Looking forward to more of the same tomorrow!


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