Monday, June 26, 2006

Our weekend

As Jason said, we were busy, but mostly with fun stuff. I had a wedding Friday night that went quite late, so Saturday morning was pretty slow for me. The kids went swimming in the pool, but by late morning, we were all looking for something to do. Jason suggested a picnic in the park so that's exactly what we did. I only have one photo to share from the picnic.

Then I had another wedding Saturday night...I forget what Jason and the kids did but I'm pretty sure he took them on a bike ride and some other adventures.

It was another late one, but we had planned a trip to the zoo for Sunday morning and we've learned from experience that arriving early beats the crowds and the heat. In hind-sight, I'm glad we got there early...I don't think that's what I was saying as I was being dragged out of bed though. It was a special day at the zoo that they only have once a year and we mark our calendars for it well in's an animal clinic. The zoo vets examine your injured stuffed animals and do they ever go all out! There are many stations that you bring your hurt animal to...I'll let the MANY photos tell the story: The woman registering the stuffed animals was our neighbour across the back fence...I think we forgot to mention that fact to Henry...he seemed a little surprised to see her. This is the kids registering their animals and giving descriptions of their ailments...Jack Bear was squished in the van door on our way into the zoo so Jack was quite excited to have a "real" injury to report.
Turns out I can't post any more photos on this posting for some reason so I'll put the rest of the animal clinic photos on a new post.

Then Sunday evening we went to a pool party to mark the end of the season for Jason's swim club. It was a family event and since I knew there would be lots of kids and lots of splashing, I didn't even bring my camera.

The kids were tired, but a really good, summer tired.


Blogger Andrew said...

That's a really cute idea. Your kids are sure lucky to have such gung-ho parents. So your neighbour is a zoo veterinarian? Pretty cool!

- Andrew

1:01 AM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

Loved the pictures of the kids at the zoo. They looked so concerned about their animals. What a great idea. Maybe next time I can come with you guys.


9:08 AM  

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