Tuesday, August 01, 2006

We're still here!

We've just been very busy and not on the computer or watching tv or listening to the radio...I think we missed out on the news for almost a week (which apparently wasn't a bad thing). We went to a cottage with Jason's sisters and their families last week but only for 2 days. They go every year and we're invited to join them but I had Friday and Saturday weddings this past weekend so we were only able to make it for a short visit. What a great time though! Still plenty of time for: boating, fishing, swimming, bug collecting, sand playing, dock games, hair colouring, card games, blueberry picking... The kids are all so close in age and get along so well with each other. The cottage is a familiar place so they really look forward to going.
Then Ann and her family came for a couple of nights on their way home and we spent Sunday at Centreville. We had great weather and a really fun time. That place is completely geared towards kids under about 10. There were no line ups for the rides until after lunch so I was glad we arrived when it opened. Henry was unsure about rides for the first hour or so. No, he was actually sure about them, sure he didn't like them. Then we just brought him on one with us without asking him and he suddenly had a change of heart and said, "again, again!" It was the log ride which plummets about 50 feet and sprays you with water at the bottom, so I'm surprised the plan worked. Especially since the first 2 rides that turned him off rides in the first place were a bumblebee ride and a swan ride. Both very tame and built for 2 year olds! I don't even really know what else we've been up to, visiting friends and spending time in the pool, but somehow there hasn't been any time for blogging or regular housework...too bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those pictures are great!! How did you capture the one of the hummingbirds?

8:06 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I'll admit I did take 120 photos of the hummingbirds, but I'm not sure that this one is even the best one. There are a lot with sharper birds, but this one had the most hummingbirds in it so I decided to use it. They were like bees swarming around and not nearly as timid as I've seen them before!

9:43 AM  
Blogger EJ said...

Ha ha - I was just going to say the exact same thing as mom. Amazing pictures. Looks like a really fun time.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

So that's where you were! I thought it must be something like that. Sounds like a really good time. Great pics, too. What's up with the hair colouring?

9:50 PM  

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