Thursday, August 10, 2006

Great day!

I guess when comparing to yesterday, today had to be great. Not that yesterday was awful, just a series of unfortunate events put a damper on the day. I was trying to finish up a whole wack of half finished projects around the house and they all kept going wrong. I've finally started recovering our dining room chairs (I only bought the fabric 2 years ago!) and once I started I realized it wasn't as hard as I was afraid it was going to be. However, I ran out of staples for my staple gun and when I bought new ones, they were the wrong size and I spilled the whole box all over the backyard. So I gave up on that project for awhile (not for 2 more years!) and moved on to a yard waste bag that got wet and ended up dissolving so has been sitting for a while. I figured I'd just use a shovel and scoop everything into a new bag...I dug right in for my first scoop and a swarm of wasps flew at me and started sticking to me like I was made of fly paper!! I ended up with only 3 stings, but boy did they hurt! So that job got left for a while too...I bought "WASP AND HORNET KILLER" as the can says, but haven't got up the nerve to use it yet! So anyway, today was bound to be better. Eri & I arranged to meet at a great little farm called "Lionel's Pony Farm". It's got farm animals that you can pet and feed and it's a wide open space perfect for small kids. Hannah & Jack were at Dino Camp for the morning (their last day is tomorrow) so it was just Eri & I and the little guys. We had a great time (despite the fact that Bennett didn't want to share his carrots! very cute!) and then had a little picnic snack in the back of Eri's new car. Nice way to spend a hot morning!


Blogger Andrew said...

I'm remembering that time at the Davises' farm when I stepped in a wasps' nest and got stung a bunch of times on the leg. Isn't that terrifying when they all come at you like that and there's nothing you can do? Yikes!

Those are a cute little couple of farmers.

- Andrew

8:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, that story shoudln't be funny but I laughed my head off. I'm sorry, as I had a swarm of wasps sting me while I was mowing the lawn and we had a wasp's nest in the fence. Ask me about the bee story. I can't print it.


8:27 PM  

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