Saturday, August 26, 2006

Big Girl Camper

So Hannah went camping for the weekend. How weird is that. She was invited to go camping with a friend of hers and their family, we had to think about it, but the family is very trustworthy and we feel pretty comfortable about it so we thought...why not.

They left last night and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. 2 nights without her, it feels a little strange around here, Henry keeps asking where she is. I don't think she will be homesick, she just isn't ever, never has been - which is great. We can't wait to hear all about it when she gets home - the big girl.


Blogger Andrew said...

How did it go? I can't imagine not being homesick at her age. I ALWAYS got homesick at camps, even when I was like fourteen or something. Maybe it was because something would always go wrong like my flashlight would get turned on in my knapsack, killing the batteries before nightfall; or my canoe would sink, soaking everything I owned. Then there was the time all my food fell in the fire. Good times.

- Andrew

5:01 PM  

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