I belong to this user group "freecycle.org" where people post items they're getting rid of and readers reply when they can pick them up. It's all local and some of the stuff is pretty good, especially for people just starting out. People are often getting rid of their appliances that still work, dishes, old furniture, fish aquariums, kids' clothes or a lot of computer monitors. The only problem with it is that I get about 20-30 emails a day so it really fills up my in-box. The only thing I ever got, after months of belonging to the group, was a pair of Mexx pants, but they're nice pants and I like reading all the stuff that's out there. Occasionally there are things posted that I don't think anyone would want, broken computer monitors "for someone who's handy and can fix it", coupons, broken lamps, once a "nasal rinse set" (I don't even want to know what that is). But today's offer was the best I've seen yet!!
"Offer: Turkey Soup Bones & Meat - great for making turkey soup, still some meat on the bones, pick up ASAP"