I haven't blogged in so long I couldn't remember the password....
Last night Dana and I went out with 75 other people from our street to a meet and greet party - a group of people on our street organized this so we could all get to know everyone on our little court. They hired a band, there was dancing, food, drinks - the works. It was a good time and everyone had name tags on with their house number - my first thought when we walked into the party was "who are these people"...it was a good way to get to know more people and to put a name to all the faces you see when you go for a walk. There is already talk of a summer corn roast on the street in the summer....we'll see what happens.
Work has been busy, not too much new there. I have been swimming a lot lately - steadily swimming on average 2500 m or so - 3 times a week - I'm sure I constantly smell like chlorine...
I am also putting together a beach volleyball team - should be fun, I have 8 people so far signed up and it starts in May - it's not actually on a beach, as there isn't one close by here, but I found this great sports facility that has 5 outdoor beach volleyball courts and I have a good bunch of people signed up so it should be interesting - especially because most of us don't play volleyball.
The kids are all good - growing up too quickly. I said to Dana the other day "do you know Hannah is closer to 20 than you are?" Didn't go over....I wasn't trying to say it any other way than just my disbelief that time is flying by so quickly.
Anyway that's it....hope to blog more....see ya - J