Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Yesterday afternoon we had a weird wind storm here in Markham. It started to rain then the wind picked up and didn't stop - the patio chairs started to fly and the kids toys outside were all over, then the power went out. When it slowed down I went outside to check things out and a few pieces of siding were ripped off and now they are hanging by a nail - I'll have to fix it tonight when I get home from work. The barbecue is now officially garbage - it was hanging in there, but now it's in pieces. We got off lucky though - there are several trees around the neighbourhood that are completely uprooted, some landed on houses and cars. Our friends tree landed on the kids playhouse.

The power finally came back on in the middle of the night - I guess it woke up Dana and she had to get up to turn off all the lights and the radio - and set the alarm - whew.

There's going to be a lot of firewood in Markham available.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you say firewood? Send it home with Nancy.


12:16 PM  

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