Monday, March 12, 2007

The Party's Over!

At last, the birthdays are over! We had my family over on Friday for a party that was sort of for Henry. It was really for all the kids, but since Hannah and Jack would be having a party with their friends and Henry wouldn't, we called it his party and he got to choose the theme - Hot Wheels!
Bennett got his own special Dora hat...
Hannah got all dolled up and wore her new purse for the occasion...
Nan & Grampa gave Hannah a "personal organizer" which she quickly figured out and typed in all sorts of secret messages "only for girls"...
Henry wore his new "Cuba" birthday shirt from Andrew and Ali...Jack spent much of the evening shooting Superman at the ceiling...another great gift idea!Erika made a beautiful Hot Wheels cake and very thoughtfully put 3 cars on top (one was even pink!)Henry thoroughly enjoyed blowing out his candles! Look at his lips!!Sunday we had Hannah & Jack's gymnastics party with 15 of their friends! It was the first time they had a party that wasn't at home and I loved it! I don't know what I was holding out for.On the trampoline they did a trick that all the kids loved which they called "popcorn". One at a time the kids would lie in front of the coach and he would gently bounce saying, "pop, pop, pop..." then he would do one bigger jump and shout, "popcorn" and catch the bouncing kid in his arms. Here's Henry enjoying the trick!

Afterwards we had cake & ice cream and the kids opened presents. Jack's friends were at one end of the table and Hannah's were at the other. You could hear the boys saying, "cool, yeah, all right" with each gift being opened and the girls saying, "awwww" with each gift.

The kids all had an amazing birthday week and to officially end it (and to get rid of some clutter) we had a balloon send off this afternoon.

The kids tied notes to the ends of their balloon strings and loved imagining who would find them.




Blogger Jen said...

wow. I am speechless. Great cake, Erica!! You'll be blowing out candles in your sleep, Dana and Jason!!!!

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll be on balloon lookout! Hope everyone had a great birthday!!!

The Papaks

3:46 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wow! Looks like a great time!
Sorry we missed your call Sunday evening - I saved the sweet message from the kids for Andrew. We sure love you guys!

-Ali xoxo

4:11 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Holy cow, super duper good times! I'm glad everyone got to do so much awesome celebrating. Thanks for the nice phone message before I left.

- Andrew

8:55 PM  

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