Saturday, February 10, 2007

Winter Camp

Jack and I got back from Winter Camp tonight and we had a Great time! Busy it was, but we sure had a lot of fun. We arrived at Shadow Lake at 8:45 a.m. and met everyone outside, then we split into 4 different groups - about 50 kids in total, beavers, cubs and scouts. We rotated through activities throughout the day, Craft Centre - where Jack made a coat rack - he used a saw, nailed the pieces together - it's taller than him. Then we used a Ham radio, then ventured outside where we went Snowshoeing - travelling through the woods, then Jack was in a snowshoe relay race - he did amazing. Tricky things those snowshoes, first time I ever used them.

After those activities it was time for lunch in the hall, which was organized chaos. Jack ate two sandwiches and off we went Tobogganing on "Suicide Hill" - a huge hill, bigger than anything I have been on in awhile. Jack's first attempt was a wipe out on a mogul, and went face first into the snow, getting a slight snow burn on his cheek, through tears he said "I want to try again", so off he went 6 more times, and didn't wipe out once. After sledding, we played snakes and ladders in the snow, the kids were the pieces of the game, and they actually jumped from one box to the next, and there were ladders and hoses (for snakes). After being out for three straight hours, we started getting a little cold, and luckily it was time for break, where we got to go back to the cabin to have a rest or play board games, or colour. I fell asleep for 10 minutes sitting on the floor.

Dinner was announced, and off we went to the hall again for meatballs and spaghetti, cake and ice cream. During lunch and dinner they announce which kids won beads (you try to collect these all day) and you put them on your wijjie or wiggy? ( I can't remember what it's called), but they would announce the "best wipe out of the day" or "best group effort", all the kids ended up winning at least 5 or 6 beads today. We didn't stay for the campfire, it was getting pretty late, and we still weren't dry from the daytime activities - next year we are planning on staying the night.

I can't say enough good things about this group of people. The bigger kids, the scouts and cubs, would come and pat Jack on the back for doing a good job at the relay race, or they would help him out if he fell over on his snowshoes. I don't know if it's their parents, or this organization, but all of the kids are really good kids and this is something that I can see Jack being a part of for years to come. Jack had a really good day, not once did he say he was tired, or bored, he just kept going and going. He crashed tonight, asleep before his head hit the pillow - a great way to end the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like an amazing time you both had. Hurray for Scouts, cubs, beavers, brownies, guides, sparks, etc.


9:45 AM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

We were a part of Scouts Canada for many years in Lake Echo. As all such organizations, they need solid helping hands to create and manage the organized chaos you enjoyed.

Sounds like a grand time was had. Wish we had seen it for ourselves.

9:56 AM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

That just sounds like the best time ever. I know, I think the guides and Scouts are just great. I only hope the girls get to have as much fun!
That snkaes and ladders is an awesome idea. If I'm ever responsible for organising a large group of children in some outdoor activity (?never?), I'm doing that one.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, man! I can't believe you did that all in one day! It's not a woggle you're talking about, is it? I can totally see you asleep sitting up, surrounded by kids playing board games. Good times.

- Andrew

7:27 PM  

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