Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Not Much New...

We haven't been bloggin for awhile - because really there isn't much new around here. The boys are feeling better, Jack ended up missing three days of school last week, and Henry is starting to bounce off the walls again, which is always a sign of good health. The weekend was spent taking Hannah to skating lessons, then on Sunday we went skating together. She has a new pair of skates - figure skates this time, no more hockey skates. They are going to take a little while to get used to, she seems a little less stable on them.

The summer is already beginning to be busy! Hannah and Jack both chose to play t-ball this summer so we have to sign them up. They were trying to decide between that and soccer. I might be interested in coaching, I think it would be a lot of fun - I think I said this last time...


Blogger Andrew said...

All right! Baseball beats soccer. Yes! I'm glad they'll be learning a wholesome North American activity, instead of how to fall on the ground and cry.

Seriously, though, did you ever wonder why soccer is rarely shown on American television? Not enough time-outs for advertising. Football is the number one sport among North American viewers because it's nothing but time-outs and therefore attracts lots of $$$. I'm sure you know this, Jason.

- Andrew

11:55 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

So true - actually when we used to televise the world cup - we would squeeze back the video in a little box and split the screen and air a commercial that way - so the viewer didn't miss any action and tsn didn't miss the $$$

3:21 PM  

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