Friday, January 12, 2007

Stay the course

Looking forward to the weekend before I go away. I am thinking of taking the kids to the public pool tomorrow afternoon - they haven't been swimming in months and I think they would really enjoy it, especially Henry - I mentioned it to him yesterday that we might do that, and he asked me if he could jump off the diving board. No fear that one. I have spent a lot of time in the pool and last night did me in, 2750 metres and I am tired, I should of made it well past 3000 but I just didn't have the energy last night.

Dana is a volunteer this morning in Jack's class and today the entire class were allowed to bring in 1 special toy they recieved at Christmas - not sure what Jack brought it, but I am sure the teacher was just thinking "as long as it's not another squirrel's tail."

Jack's steady use of "Manakeels" has me hooked, I have been using it at work, it's not really catching on with my co-workers though - they are not on the cutting edge of new harmless swear words. Last night at dinner, Hannah was talking about something she didn't like at school, about how the girls play 'chase the boys' or something, and Jack said "do you h-word it?" He thinks hate is a swear word, so Manakeel's is fine in my house. I think I remember when we were kids, hate was a word that wasn't allowed, but saying Judas was fine (not calling someone Judas, but just using it when you get angry.)

Dana just called to say that Jack brought his Darth Vader voice changer, which is a Darth Vader mask that you wear and it will change your voice to sound like Darth Vader - I would of loved to see that!

Anyway, enough rambling I better get back to work. - J


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